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Arrow Ambulance Deliveries

2024 Ford E450 Type 3 Ambulance delivered to West River Ambulance in Hettinger, ND
Delivered May 20, 2024

2024 Ford E450 Type 3 Ambulance

West River Ambulance

  • Hettinger, ND
2023 Chevrolet G4500 Type 3 Ambulance delivered to Faulk County Ambulance in Faulkton, SD
Delivered April 30, 2024

2023 Chevrolet G4500 Type 3 Ambulance

Faulk County Ambulance

  • Faulkton, SD
2023 Ford F350 Heavy Duty 4x4 Ambulance delivered to Eagle Grove Ambulance in Eagle Grove, IA
Delivered April 18, 2024

2023 Ford F350 Heavy Duty 4x4 Ambulance

Eagle Grove Ambulance

  • Eagle Grove, IA
2023 Ram 4500 Heavy Duty 4x4 Ambulance delivered to Brighton Fire Rescue in Brighton, CO
Delivered April 18, 2024

2023 Ram 4500 Heavy Duty 4x4 Ambulance

Brighton Fire Rescue

  • Brighton, CO
2023 Ram 5500 Heavy Duty 4x4 Ambulance delivered to Brighton Fire Rescue in Brighton, CO
Delivered March 21, 2024

2023 Ram 5500 Heavy Duty 4x4 Ambulance

Brighton Fire Rescue

  • Brighton, CO
2023 Ford E450 Type 3 Ambulance delivered to White Ambulance Service in White, SD
Delivered March 18, 2024

2023 Ford E450 Type 3 Ambulance

White Ambulance Service

  • White, SD
2023 Chevrolet 4500 Type 3 Ambulance delivered to Stamford Fire & Rescue in Stamford , NE
Delivered February 29, 2024

2023 Chevrolet 4500 Type 3 Ambulance

Stamford Fire & Rescue

  • Stamford , NE
2023 Ford F550 Heavy Duty 4x4 Ambulance delivered to Akron EMS in Akron, IA
Delivered January 31, 2024

2023 Ford F550 Heavy Duty 4x4 Ambulance

Akron EMS

  • Akron, IA