New Ambulances

We're challenging what it means to buy a new ambulance

To us, new means a fresh start with a zero-mile chassis that’s straight out of a showroom. It means added confidence from a renewed vehicle warranty. And it means a turn-key ambulance full of stylish, enhanced features alongside simple, serviceable components.

All while being backed by a factory-direct relationship with a manufacturer who promises to deliver an ambulance that will completely surpass the expectations of your budget.

What you’re buying will be better than just new. And you’ll feel it when you step into an Arrow.

Available types & chassis

Type 3

Type 3

Build & Price Starting at $174,900

Choose Type III for the ultimate ride quality and maneuverability. Type 3 ambulances also have the optimum cab to module walk through, creating an unmatched atmosphere for driver and crew communication. Available in multiple body and chassis choices, Type III van style ambulances are the most affordable configuration available. Customize from several available options to build a vehicle that fits your ideal price point.

Available Chassis

Chevrolet 63500 / G4500 G3500 / G4500
Ford E350 / E450 E350 / E450
Type 1

Type 1

Build & Price Starting at $249,900

Driver and passenger comfort is maximized in the Type I configuration thanks to its larger cab size and extended leg room. The Type 1’s conventional truck design boasts increased capacities and simpler maintenance than van style ambulances. These cab & chassis combos have evolved to become the primary choice in emergency medical services. Select the 4x4 drivetrain option for peace of mind if traveling on treacherous roads, over rough terrain or through inclement weather.

Available Chassis

Chevrolet K3500 K3500
Ford F350 F350
Ram 3500 3500
Heavy Duty

Heavy Duty

Build & Price Starting at $274,900

When longevity, crew working space, extra box capacity, and making long trips is key, Heavy Duty is the ultimate truck choice. These ambulances offer a big truck feel, extreme durability, unmatched 4x4 power, and are built on proven commercial platforms with over-sized components and professional equipment so it’ll live up to the demands you throw at it. The standard equipped liquid ride rear suspension softens the ride for enhanced patient comfort and gives you control of ride and load height.

Available Chassis

Ford F450 / F550 F450 / F550
Ram 4500 / 5500 4500 / 5500

Features & Options

Customize to meet any budget

Exclusive Arrow Feature

Type 3 $174,900

Type 3
Build & Price

Type 1 $249,900

Type 1
Build & Price

Heavy Duty $274,900

Heavy Duty
Build & Price

Box Configuration

Types Type 3 Type 1 Heavy Duty
Box length
- 12 feet
Optional Standard Optional
Long box length
- 13 feet
Standard Not Available Standard
Extra long box length
- 14 feet
Optional +$10,000 Not Available Optional +$10,000
Short headroom
box 69" or less
Standard Standard Standard
Tall headroom box
70" or more
Optional +$10,000 Optional +$10,000 Optional +$10,000
Large walk-through
cab opening
Standard Optional +$9,000 Optional +$9,000
Premium configuration with
CPR side seat & rear countertop
Optional +$10,000 Optional +$10,000 Optional +$10,000
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Powertrain & Suspension

Types Type 3 Type 1 Heavy Duty
Gas Engine Standard Standard Optional -$8,000
Diesel Engine Not Available Optional +$9,000 Standard
4x2 Drivetrain Standard Optional -$2,500 Optional -$2,500
4x4 Drivetrain Not Available Standard Standard
Liquid ride rear
Optional +$12,000 Optional +$12,000 Standard
Scroll to compare types arrow_right_alt

Exterior Finishes

Interior Finishes

Lighting & Electrical


Not sure which configuration or options are right for you?

Start a conversation with our sales team so we can learn about your average usage, driving environments, current ambulances, and overall department needs.

Mark Radtke
Mark Radtke | Sales 605-929-0330